Management Systems uk

UK cert provides certification to a range of management systems standards covering the core disciplines of quality, environment and health & safety management as well as industry specific standard and codes of practice.

Quality Management

Certification to the requirements of quality management systems standards, such as ISO 9001:2008, is recognised as a tried and tested way of improving company performance and productivity and is a benchmark for working towards and achieving business excellence.

Health and Safety Management

In a climate of increasing health and safety legislation and liabilities, organisations of all sizes and industry sectors are now implementing management systems as a framework for improving their health and safety performance.

Environmental Management

Conforming with environmental legislation and meeting the demands of the green lobby present major challenges to organisations today. Environmental issues have come to the forefront in recent years with greater awareness amongst legislators, financiers, shareholders, customers, employees and neighbours.

Food Safety Management Systems

Food safety is a critical issue that must be managed throughout the food chain from farm to fork. The consequences of food-borne illness can be catastrophic not only for the consumer and health services but also for the retailers and other organisations in the supply chain.
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